4 new short missions
This week we have released 4 new missions small missions for you:
In "Create Intervals" you have to create a list of intervals from a set of ints while in "Merge Intervals" you shall reduce the number of given intervals by merging them, if it is possible.
In "Speech Module" you should give string representation of the number. In "Pangram" you should find Whether the sentence is a pangram or not
Finally, since we are still in “Relax-July” here is the current list of our TOP3 users, which is changing all the time:kurosawa4434, denis77443 and Sim0000
We are in the last week of “Relax-July” and the winner, as well as the TOP3, will be announced on next Tuesday
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The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.
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