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ThreeWords - For_Of Loop, Ternary Op, and RegEx solution in Clear category for [old] Three Words by Taylor_Page
"use strict";
function threeWords(data) {
let words = 0
for (let word of data.split(/\s/ig)) {
words = isNaN(word) ? ++words : 0
if (words === 3) return true
return false
var assert = require('assert');
if (!global.is_checking) {
assert.equal(threeWords("Hello World hello"), true, "1st example");
assert.equal(threeWords("He is 123 man"), false, "2nd example");
assert.equal(threeWords("1 2 3 4"), false, "3rd example");
assert.equal(threeWords("bla bla bla bla"), true, "4th example");
assert.equal(threeWords("Hi"), false, "Letters");
console.log("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to review your tests and earn cool rewards!");
March 20, 2019