TOP 5 Software Failures of 2018–2019 (#5 is pretty alarming)
Hi, guys!
In this modern day and age tech is something we can’t even imagine our life without. Technology is so cool and we love it! But not everything goes as planned and the thing that was supposed to make life easier and be useful can become quite scary. So, this week we’ve wanted to bring your attention to the “TOP 5 Software Failures of 2018–2019 (#5 is pretty alarming)”. We are very interested in your thoughts on the matter!
Check out some interesting articles we’ve selected for you:
- Read interesting facts about how the V8 engine works under the hood and find out the tips on how to optimize your JavaScript, particularly go over the explanation on how the JavaScript code gets parsed and how to get as much of your JavaScript to the Optimizing Compiler as possible.
- Go through the complete guide of Javascript Destructuring ES6 full of clear and detailed examples of how and where to use it.
- It’s amazing! You can try out the changes coming in Django 3.0, since Django 3.0 beta 1 is now available!
The users who’ve made the TOP 3 this month are jbrosede, vincent.tscherter, and artee2025. You are doing great, guys! Keep on coding!
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