Continue your progress
Good day CheckiO users!
Continue your progress with another 5 missions added to the Map!
The first one is Bird Language where you have to translate what the bird says into phases that a human can understand.
The second is Sum by Type and here you need to move all the integers and strings from the given array into the two separate ones.
The third is Time Converter (24h to 12h) where your task is to convert the time from the 24-h format into 12-h format considering the given rules.
The fourth is Absolute Sorting in which you should sort the numbers in the given array by their absolute value and in ascending order.
The fifth is Goes Right After where you have to check if the particular symbols go in the specific order considering the possible cases.
Highlights from the JS world:
- Check out a status update on npm v7. You'll be able to find out what are the major changes coming in npm v7, the thinking and motivation behind them, and how they might affect you and your work.
- TypeScript 3.9 has been officially released! You have to see the latest improvements in speed, editor improvements, improvements in inference and promise.all, uncalled function checks in conditional expressions, quick fixes for missing return expressions, and a lot of other things.
- ESLint v7.0.0 - a major release upgrade of ESLin is already here! See what breaking changes have been introduced, like the dropped support for Node.js v8, new ESLint class or the improved developer experience, among other things, new features and fixed bugs. You have to know more!
The users who’ve made the TOP 3 this month are adam.bed85, osbelkz, and nodogoshi. You are doing great, guys! Keep on coding!
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The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.
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