• Free Books From Dr. Axel Rauschmayer And Finding The Best Caption In Checkers

Hello, checkiomates🐱‍👤!

Read new books about TS online for free and with this skills try to solve our new mission about capturing checkers on a board!


On Easy difficulty, each of the few starting stations is dedicated to a distinct data type. If you want to discover all CheckiO features, visit our tutorial. It's a longread, but it's worth it!


Checkers Capture by freeman_lex -

Imagine a n-by-n chessboard, where your single checker currently stands at position (x, y) and there is pieces - a list that contains the positions of the opponent’s pawns. Your checker may capture a piece only one step in the four diagonal directions assuming that the square behind the opponent piece in that diagonal direction is vacant. Your checker can then capture that piece by jumping over it into the vacant square, immediately removing that captured piece from the board. The chain of captures continues from the new square, potentially capturing all the pieces in one swoop. Your function should return the maximum number of pieces that your checker could potentially capture in a single move.

        [0, 0],
            [1, 1],
            [1, 3],
            [3, 3],
            [2, 4],
            [1, 5],


Exploring JS: JavaScript books for programmers -

An impressive array of no-nonsense books that you can mostly read for free online from Dr. Axel Rauschmayer.

JavaScript Generators Explained, But On A Senior-Level -

Generators are powerful yet often underutilized in JavaScript, and many tutorials barely scratch the surface. In this article, you'll dive deep into the topic and develop a comprehensive understanding of the theory behind generators.

Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript -

JavaScript regexes were once considered underpowered compared to other modern flavors, but recent improvements have changed that. In this article, Steven Levithan examines the history and current state of regular expressions in JavaScript, offering tips to make your regexes more readable, maintainable, and resilient.


It's a very simple task! Dont be shy) How do you think, what the following code does?

function ??????(items: boolean[]): boolean {

    return items.filter(x => x==true).length > items.length/2;

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