my solution for the "number length" task is
return assert.length;
But for the number zero it shows me a 2 and I don't know why.
Can you give me a hint what I can do now? I'm a beginner.
My complete code:
import assert from "assert";
function numberLength(value: number): number {
return assert.length;
// These "asserts" are used for self-checking
assert.equal(numberLength(10), 2);
assert.equal(numberLength(0), 1);
assert.equal(numberLength(4), 1);
assert.equal(numberLength(44), 2);
console.log("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!");
Created at: 2022/08/09 21:01; Updated at: 2022/08/09 21:01
The question is resolved.