Dear fellow mission solvers.
I just had a very good run today and learned quite a lot - until I came to this mission, which seems to have a hidden extra step at the tester, which returns my function as null!
I don't get it why, because when I test it in VS code and here at the checkio code ditor everything works out, and at the checkout the two exercises get accepted.
Here is my attempt:
function mostFrequent(a) {
let mf = 1;
let m = 0;
let item;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
for (let j=i; j < a.length; j++) {
if (a[i] == a[j]) {
m++; }
if (mf < m) {
mf = m;
item = a[i];
return item;
Maybe some of you know something about that third test which is invisible?
Created at: 2019/09/08 16:59; Updated at: 2019/09/08 17:36
The question is resolved.