Random commas...
I am soooo done with that task, is that on purpose that in tests commas and spaces appear randomly?...
distance("51°28′48″N 0°0′0″E", "46°12′0″N, 6°9′0″E")
distance("33°51′31″S, 151°12′51″E", "40°46′22″N 73°59′3″W")
distance(["48°27′0″N,34°59′0″E","15°47′56″S 47°52′0″W"])
In first example (first assert) I have no comma between first point coordinates, but I have comma between second point coordinates, in second example (third assert) situation is reversed... In third example (seventh extra test) there is no space between coordinates of first point... Could it be fixed to one (doesn't matter which) version so I can use split function normally? :)